The Alumni Academy of the Faculty of Law of the University of Montenegro has set as its main goals:

Maintenance and strengthening of the relationship between alumni and the faculty

Contribution to the development of social awareness of the importance of the legal profession and science

Promotion of law studies
These goals will be realized through numerous projects, seminars, conferences, cooperation with other organizations, as well as business entities.
Modeled on the best practices of countries in the region and the world, the Alumni Academy strives to create a community of former students of the Faculty of Law, distinguished alumni, who today represent the Faculty of Law in the best way and contribute to the reputation of the legal profession.
The creation of an organization that will bring them together in one place represents an important first step towards establishing a tradition that implies continuous and active cooperation between the faculty and alumni, for mutual satisfaction and benefit.
The goal of the Alumni Academy in the future is to become a recognized organization that contributes to the Faculty of Law, alumni, students, the legal profession, and society as a whole.